Lesson 1

a. Two students are describing an imaginary dream. Complete the dialogue whit a/an, the or -(no article).
A: Last night I dreamed that I was somewhere in a wood.
B: In the wood there were last of strange things. First I saw a house.
A: The house was made of chocolate. When I walked closer, a woman opened the door.
B: The woman was very old and she was wearing — glasses. She said,»You can eat some of the chocolate, but you have to give me a present».
A: I didn’t know what to give her. But then I remembered I had a photo of my dog in mu pocket.
B: I gave it to the woman and she looked at it. Suddenly there were — spiders everywhere.
A: I hate — spiders so I was a bit scared, but then I had an idea…

c. Complete the sentences whit a, an, the or — (no article).
1 I really like bicycles! I’ve got two: a green one and a grey one. I got — green bike as a birthday present when I was 12. I bought a grey bike whit my own money.
2 I read a newspaper story about the new plane yesterday. The plane can carry 3,000 people, but the story didn’t say when they will finish making it.
3 My father drives an old car. He loves it! It was made in 1960, and it looks really beautiful. Every week he gets a phone calls from the people who want to buy it. Last week he had a phone call from a woman in London. My father didn’t know the woman, but she offered him 10.000 for the car.
4 Last night I had a dream. My dream was about dogs lots of them! There was a dog that tried to bite me and I ran away. Some people say that the dreams tell you — things about your self. Perhaps this dream mean that I’m afraid of — dog.

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